Revd Annie Goldthorp will lead us in a Lent Course, based on the book Let Me Go There by Paula Gooder. From the cover: Let Me Go There reflects on some of the key events in the life of God’s people that occurred in the wilderness as a way of preparing us to enter more fully into the experience of Jesus’ forty days and nights in the desert at the beginning of his ministry, and to hear afresh the call to the disciples that ensued. In these stories we are given not only a deep understanding of God’s nature, but a picture of the character and the cost of discipleship, and a pattern for living as followers of Jesus in today’s world.
The first session will be on Thursday, 13 March at 10.00 am in the Vicarage. If you have not already spoken to Annie about taking part in this course, please contact her as soon as possible. Also, if you would like to host the meeting in the future, please let Annie know. Annie's contact details: Telephone 01832 770109 or Email vicarwarmingtonbenefice@outlook.com